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Forthcoming presentations: April 23rd-25th 2014, Vienna, Glass spheres and lenses in Giovan Battista Della Portas optical treatise, in the panel "'A higher kind of magic': Francis Bacon and Giovan Bettista Della Porta on 'philosophical instruments' and the creative powers of experimentation" Scientiae 2014 Recent presentations: January 17th 2014, CERN (Geneva), Models of "new physics" in experimental and theoretical research practices in High Energy Physics, CERN Mini-Workshop of the Zukunftskolleg Konstanz, October 1st 2013, Jerusalem, Accessing spirits in the early modern period: the emergence of a scientific concept, Fifth German-Israeli Frontiers of Humanities Symposium July 23rd 2013, Manchester: The problem of „naturalness“ in high-energy-physics from the 1980s to the discovery of the Higgs boson in summer 2012, International Conference in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (ICHSTM 2013) May
8th 2013, Bern: Wie
Physiker die Quantenwahrscheinlichkeit aus dem Nichts schufen und ein
Mathematiker sie entdeckt. Colloquium of the Philosophy Department of Bern University April 19th 2013, Florence: The model as a Rosetta Stone. Joint colloquium of philosophy and physics seminar, University of Florence March 8th 2013, Bielefeld: Was Sie schon immer über das CERN wissen wollten, bisher aber nicht zu fragen wagten. Yearly conference of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research. February 14th 2013, CERN (Geneva): A philosophical experiment: empirical study of knowledge production at the LHC. CERN colloquium December 3rd, DESY (Hamburg): The recent observations at the LHC in historical perspective: The story of the Higgs, 6th Annual Workshop of the Helmholtz-Alliance November 1st 2012, Athens (Greece): Experiments in Giovanni Battista Della Porta's meteorological treatise „De aeris transmutationibus“ (1610), 5th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (5ESHS): "Scientific cosmopolitanism and local cultures: religions, ideologies, societies". October 12th 2012, Berlin: Panel Spacetime I: Theoretical Physics and Film, Panelists: Klaus Wyborny, Stephen Kovats, Arianna Borrelli; Moderator: Heinz Emigholz, Think:Film - International Experimental Cinema Congress 2012 October
9-11th 2012, Vienna: From logos to mythos: Narratives of 'naturalness'
in the search of new physics in high energy research (in German),
International Conference of the Institute for Cultural Studies and
Theater History of the Austrian Academy of Arts. March 15-18th 2012, Athens: Symmetries and conserved quantities in integrated historical-philosophical perspective, &HPS4 - Fourth conference on intergrated history and philosophy of science January 26-28th 2012, Wuppertal: Models "beyond the Standard Model" in research practices, Workshop "Modelling at the LHC" November 18th 2011, Berlin: Die Genesis des Gottesteilchens: Erzählung als konstitutives Element der theoretischen Hochenergiephysik, in "Wissenschaft als Erzählung - Erzählungen der Wissenschaft" joint conference of the Gesellschaft für Wissenschaft- und Technikforschung (GWTF, Society for Science and Technology Studies) and of the Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (GWG, Society for History of Science), TU Berlin October 18th (DESY Hamburg) and October 19th (DESY Zeuthen) 2011: Naturalness and the hierarchy problem in historical-philosophical perspective - Tuesday seminar DESY Hamburg October 7th 2011, Athens: Who broke electroweak symmetry? EPSA11 - Annual Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association September 24th 2011, Stuttgart: Glas als Forschungstechnologie im Werk von Giovan Battista Della Porta: ein Deutungsversuch, Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft for Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik (DGGMNT) July 26th 2011, Nancy: The practice of model-building in contemporary high-energy physics: the case of technicolor, CLMPD2011 - 14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science January 21st 2011, Paris: Symbolic notation as a heuristic tool of quantum physics - Colloquium of the Institute de mathématiques de Jussieu, Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris IV) December 10th 2010, Bad Honnef (Bonn): Naturalness and hierarchy problems: Heuristics beyond mathematics and experiment in theoretical high-energy physics, Conference "Heuristics in Physics" November 19th 2010, Barcelona: Uncertainty squared: The mathematical construction of quantum probability, 4th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science: „The circulation of science and technology“ June 17th 2010, Wuppertal: Symmetries and conservation laws from classical to quantum physics, colloquium of the experimental physics department, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Juni 2nd 2010,
Wuppertal: Symbolische Notation als heuristisches Werkzeug der
theoretischen Physik: Der Fall des "Quantezustands",
Kolloquium Wissenschaftstheorie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte des
Interdisziplinären Zentrums für Wissenschafts- und
Technikforschung, Bergische Universität Wuppertal März 24th 2010, Leipzig: Der Begriff “Drehimpuls” zwischen Mathematik und Physik, Internationale wissenschaftshistorische Fachtagung „Mathematik und Physik in Wechselbeziehungen - Allgemeines und Lokales, 22. - 25. März, Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften [slides] November 7th, 2009, Braunschweig: Mathematik im Aufbruch - Otto IV. Thementag. Wissen über die Welt im Zeitalter Ottos des IV. - Erkenntnis und Vermittlung Oktober 29th, 2009, Leipzig: Warum weht der Wind? Das Element "Luft" in Meteorologie und Kosmologie der Frühen Neuzeit - Kolloquium zu Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften Juli 31st 2009, Budapest: A triple point of mathematics: Born and Wiener’s „new formulation of the laws of quantization - XXIII International Congress of History of Science and Technology “Ideas and Instruments in Social Context”, 28. Juli - 2. August