Curriculum Vitae of Arianna Borrelli


Curriculum vitae






–3 /2014

02/2010 –  09/2013

10/2007  –  01/2010

10/2005  –  09/2007

11/2002  –  06/2006

10/1996  –  06/2002

10/1992  –  09/1995

03/1992  –  06/1992

09/1991  –  12/1991

02/1989  –  01/1991

May 1988
Post-doc (Technical University Berlin) - DFG-Project "History of Early Particle Physics (1950-65)" (DFG-Eigene Stelle)

Substitute for a Junior Professor in  Philosophy of Science
(Wuppertal University, Germany)

Post-doc (Wuppertal University, Germany) - DFG-project „Epistemology of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)“

Post-doc (Fritz Haber Institute and Max Planck Intistute for History of Science, Berlin, Germany) - MPG-Project “History and Foundations  of Quantum Mechanics”

Post-doc (Max Planck Institute for History of Science , Berlin, Germany) - Junior Research Group of PD Dr. Otto Sibum - Project: "Heat and cold in observation and explanation of natural philosophers and scientist"

PhD „summa cum laude“ in History of Science (Braunschweig, Germany)
Thesis: "Aspects of the astrolabe: 'architectonica ratio' in tenth- and eleventh-century Europe"
Tutor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Mehrtens

Master in Philosophy (Braunschweig, Germany)
Thesis: "Vernunft und Quantifizierung: Zum Wandel des Kraftbegriffs von Newton bis Hegel" [Reason and quantification: on the transformation of the notion of force from Newton to Hegel]

Post-Doc (Paul-Scherrer-Institute, Switzerland) for research in  High Energy Physics

EU-grant for research in High Energy Physics  (Southhampton, UK)

Grant for research in High Energy Physics at CERN (Geneva, CH)

Two-year fellowship for research in High Energy Physics (Rome, Italy)

Master in Physics (Rome ", Italy) with a thesis in theoretical High Energy Physics